Julia Gerace Photography
      Graduate Program

Welcome to Julia Gerace Photography!

What do your images say about you?  Are you that cookie cutter image that they try to sell you for the yearbook? or that they take year after year as part of a high volume process?   I say No!  That's not who you are and those are not the images that should represent you in all the stages of your life.  You have interests, goals, things you love and things you cherish, why not have images that capture that forever?

Why not have images that reveal how beautiful you are?

Do you play an instrument? Cheer? Dance? Skateboard? do Sports? Do you have personal style and favorite outfits? With a session at Julia Gerace Photography, you can bring all that you are!  Whether your style is trendy, preppy, sporty or punk, whether your favorite outfit is your most ripped up pair of jeans, a dress you just wore to a wedding, or a funky hat you just adore bring it all and let's play!  

Sessions can be in studio, around the studio, on location and sometimes combinations of those! 

 At Julia Gerace Photography, we strive for creative, fun and relaxed sessions. As the CT Professional Photographers Association Portrait Photographer of the Year from 2006 through til 2009 (that's 4 years straight!), you know quality and creativity are the number one priority!

Julia 203.922.0191